Sabiha Kiraz completed her pharmacy education at Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy between 1980-1985. After working for two years at Yozgat State Hospital and two years at Ankara Training and Research Hospital, she practiced her profession for twenty years across from Ankara Hospital and for eight years at Gordion Shopping Mall. From 2011-2014, she received her first Homeopathy training at Yeditepe University. Subsequently, she completed her master’s degree in clinical pharmacy (2014-2016) and became a Specialist Pharmacist.
She has completed training in Wellbeing Expertise at Yükselen Çağ Wellbeing Academy & Gedik University, Biointegrative Breath Therapy, Deepak Chopra Ayurvedic Yoga and Meditation Therapy, Aromatherapy at Medipol University, and Homeopathy and Phytotherapy, Bach Flower Therapy, Functional Medicine, and healthy aging at TIS Academy. Meanwhile, she continues to educate herself on various topics, especially those related to spirituality.
She has served on the education and social committees of the (PGED) Pharmacists Association, ANGIKAD, AEO, and Ankara Magistral Associations. She is on the Board of Directors of the Wellbeing and Holistic Health Association with BUTAD.
Sabiha Kiraz is married and has two daughters, two dogs, and two cats.